Defining span, linear dependence and linear independence

Recall that a linear combination of vectors means the result of multiplying each vector by a number (called a coefficient) and adding the resulting vectors. For example, $(2,3) + 4(5,6) - 7(8,9)$ is a linear combination of the vectors $(2,3)$, $(5,6)$ and $(8,9)$, with coefficients $1$, $4$ and $-7$. We now look at all linear combinations that can be made from given vectors.

The span of vectors $\vec{v_1},\vec{v_2},\dots,\vec{v_n}$ means the set of all their linear combinations. It is denoted with $\span(\vec{v_1},\dots,\vec{v_n})$.


See also 3blue1brown's video for better visualizations of spans.

Linear dependence

We consider what happens when adding a vector $\vec w$ to a span of other vectors $\vec{v_1}$, $\vec{v_2}$ and $\vec{v_3}$. To make this easier to follow, we call $\span(\vec{v_1},\vec{v_2},\vec{v_3})$ the old span, and we call $\span(\vec{v_1},\vec{v_2},\vec{v_3},\vec w)$ the new span.

Because you can choose to not use $\vec w$ by making its coefficient zero, such as $2\vec{v_1}+4\vec{v_2}-5\vec{v_3}+0\vec w$, any vector in the old span is also in the new span. However, the new span can also contain other vectors that aren't in the old span. To see when that happens, we split this into two cases:

In short, you can't "expand" a span to contain more vectors by using vectors from the span itself, but it can be done by adding a new vector that isn't already in the span.

Adding a vector to a span can either do nothing or make the span bigger, depending on whether the vector is already in the span:

Let's now define a couple new concepts:

We say that vectors $\vec{v_1},\vec{v_2},\dots,\vec{v_n}$ are linearly dependent, if one of the vectors is a linear combination of others.

Based on our previous result, linearly dependent means that the span has an unnecessary vector, and would be the same with one of the vectors removed. If this can't be done, i.e. if every vector is needed to get the span, then we say that the vectors are linearly independent.

We say that vectors $\vec{v_1},\dots,\vec{v_n}$ are linearly independent if they are not linearly dependent; that is, if no vector can be written as a linear combination of others.


Counting vectors on both sides

We now have two ways to look at linear dependence and independence: on the one hand, linear dependence means that some vector is a linear combination of others, but on the other hand, it means that some vector can be removed without affecting the span. We introduce one more way to think about linear independence.

Let $\red{\vec u}$, $\blue{\vec v}$ and $\green{\vec w}$ be linearly independent vectors. Consider the equation $$ \red{a\vec{u}}+\blue{b\vec{v}}+\green{c\vec{w}} = \red{x\vec{u}}+\blue{y\vec{v}}+\green{z\vec{w}}. $$ This can be rewritten as $$ \red{(a-x)\vec{u}} = \blue{(y-b)\vec{v}} + \green{(z-c)\vec{w}}. $$ We must have $\red{a-x} = 0$, because otherwise we could divide by $a-x$, and we would get $$ \red{\vec u} = \frac{\blue{y-b}}{\red{a-x}}\blue{\vec v} + \frac{\green{z-c}}{\red{a-x}}\green{\vec w}, $$ which is impossible, because the vectors are linearly indepependent and therefore $\red{\vec u}$ can't be a linear combination of $\blue{\vec v}$ and $\green{\vec w}$. Because $\red{a-x}=0$, we must have $\red a=\red x$, and we similarly get $\blue b=\blue y$ and $\green c=\green z$. This works the same way with any number ($n$ below) of linearly independent vectors.

Let $\vec{v_1},\dots,\vec{v_n}$ be linearly independent vectors. If two of their linear combinations produce the same vector, then the coefficients of the two linear combinations must match. In other words, if $$ a_1\vec{v_1}+a_2\vec{v_2}+\dots+a_n\vec{v_n} = b_1\vec{v_1}+b_2\vec{v_2}+\dots+b_n\vec{v_n} $$ with some coefficients $a_1,\dots,a_n$ and $b_1,\dots,b_n$, then $a_1=b_1$, $a_2=b_2$, and so on.

From now on, I will refer to this as counting vectors on both sides, because we essentially count how many $\vec{v_1}$'s, $\vec{v_2}$'s etc. there is on each side.

Another way to interpret this result is that there can't be multiple ways to write the same vector as a linear combination of $\vec{v_1},\dots,\vec{v_n}$, because any two ways must in fact be the same way, in the sense that they have the same coefficients.

Counting vectors on both sides doesn't work with linearly dependent vectors. For example, if $\vec u = 2\vec v + 3\vec w$, then by counting $\vec u$ on both sides we would get $1 = 0$, because there's one $\vec u$ on the left side and none on the right side.