Defining determinants

A determinant is a function that takes in a square matrix and outputs a number. For $2 \times 2$ matrices, it represents the area of a parallelogram with the vectors as sides, possibly with a minus sign front.

TODO: define in detail, add animation, explain

The determinant of a $3 \times 3$ matrix is the volume of a parallelepiped, possibly with a minus sign in front. A parallelepiped is similar to a parallelogram in 2D, and looks like this:

TODO: find animation and put it here

A 3D determinant is positive when (TODO: finish this definition)



TODO: doubling first row doubles determinant

TODO: -2 times first row --> -2 times determinant

TODO: adding rows

Defining $n \times n$ determinants

As explained at the end of the introduction page, it is often useful to use linear algebra with higher dimensions than 2 or 3. To do that, we will next define $n \times n$ determinants in a way that works regardless of size.

An $n$-dimensional determinant, denoted with $\det$, is any function that takes $n \times n$ matrices as inputs and outputs numbers, and satisfies these properties:

Based on the derivations on this page, what we called "$2 \times 2$ determinant" and "$3 \times 3$ determinant" are determinants, according to this definition.

TODO: explain what goes on in the following, and write it in mathjax:







