Inverse matrices

Let $\blue f$ be a linear function that has an inverse function $\red{f^{-1}}$ (not all functions have an inverse function). We now have $\vec v = \blue{f(}\red{f^{-1}(}\vec v\red)\blue)$ for any vector $\vec v$. Using this, we can show that the inverse function $\red{f^{-1}}$ is also linear:

If a function is linear and its inverse function exists, the inverse function is also linear.

Recall that any matrix $A$ corresponds with a linear function. If that function has an inverse function, we say that the matrix $A$ is invertible, and its inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ is the matrix of the inverse function of $A$'s linear function.


When does an inverse matrix exist?

As explained here, the inverse function of $f$ exists if and only if both of these conditions are met:

  1. The function $f$ gives different outputs for different inputs.
  2. The function $f$ produces each output with some input.

Let $f$ be the linear function corresponding to a matrix $A$. Let's look at what it would mean to get the same output for two different inputs, $A\red{\vec v} = A\blue{\vec w}$ with $\red{\vec v} \ne \blue{\vec w}$. As shown here, $A\red{\vec v}$ is a linear combination of $A$'s columns, with numbers from $\red{\vec v}$ as coefficients. So for example, if $\red{\vec v = (6,0)}$, $\blue{\vec w = (3,1)}$ and $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} \magenta1 & \green3 \\ \magenta2 & \green6 \end{bmatrix}, $$ we would have $$ \red6\begin{bmatrix} \magenta1 \\ \magenta2 \end{bmatrix} +\red0\begin{bmatrix} \green3 \\ \green6 \end{bmatrix} =\blue3\begin{bmatrix} \magenta1 \\ \magenta2 \end{bmatrix} +\blue1\begin{bmatrix} \green3 \\ \green6 \end{bmatrix}. $$ Because $\red{\vec v} \ne \blue{\vec w}$, the linear combinations don't have the same coefficients. This is not possible with linearly independent vectors, so if the columns are linearly independent, it is not possible to have $A\red{\vec v} = A\blue{\vec w}$ with $\red{\vec v} \ne \blue{\vec w}$.

If the columns of a matrix are linearly dependent, it means that one of them is a linear combination of others, which then means that you can multiply the matrix with two different vectors and get the same resulting vector. For example, if a matrix $A$ has 3 columns $\vec{c_1},\vec{c_2},\vec{c_3}$ and $\vec{c_1} = 4\vec{c_2}-3\vec{c_3}$, we get $$ A\begin{bmatrix}1\\0\\0\end{bmatrix} = A\begin{bmatrix}0\\4\\-3\end{bmatrix}. $$ So if the columns are linearly independent, there are no two different vectors that produce the same vector when multiplied with $A$, and if the columns are linearly dependent, there are such vectors.

A matrix produces different outputs for different inputs if and only if the columns of the matrix are linearly independent.

In other words, linear independence is needed for a matrix to be invertible, and it is enough to take care of condition 1.

Let's look at the second condition. Consider the set of all output vectors of the matrix; that is, the set of all vectors $A\vec v$, where $\vec v$ is any vector. Because $A\vec v$ can be any linear combination of $A$'s columns, this is in fact the span of $A$'s columns.

A matrix with height $n$ is invertible if and only if its columns are linearly independent and their span is the set of all $n$-dimensional vectors.

From here, we split this into 3 cases. We can assume that the columns are linearly independent, because we will need that anyway for the first condition.

We can now summarize invertibility into a very simple condition:

A matrix is invertible if and only if it is a square matrix and its columns are linearly independent.