Binomial Coefficients

There are several ways to think about the binomial coefficients. On this page I explain some of the most common ways. On this page, $n$ and $k$ are integers such that $0 \le k \le n$.

Binomial formula

Consider the formula $$ (a+b)^2 = a^2+2ab+b^2. $$ There is a similar formula for $(a+b)^3$. To get it from this one, we can calculate $$ \begin{align} (a+b)^3 &= (a+b)^2(a+b) \\ &= (a^2+2ab+b^2)(a+b) \\ &= (a^2+2ab+b^2)a + (a^2+2ab+b^2)b \\ &= a^3+2a^2b+ab^2+a^2b+2ab^2+b^3 \\ &= a^3+3a^2b+3ab^2+b^3. \end{align} $$ By multiplying this with $(a+b)$ again, we can get a formula for $(a+b)^4$: $$ \begin{align} (a+b)^4 &= (a+b)^3(a+b) \\ &= (a^3+3a^2b+3ab^2+b^3)(a+b) \\ &= a^4+3a^3b+3a^2b^2+ab^3+a^3b+3a^2b^2+3ab^3+b^4 \\ &= a^4+4a^3b+6a^2b^2+4ab^3+b^4 \end{align} $$

In general, we can make the formula for $(a+b)^n$ from the previous $(a+b)^{n-1}$ formula. Notice the formulas produced this way have these properties:

The integer in front of $a^kb^{n-k}$ when expanding $(a+b)^n$ is called the binomial coefficient, and it's denoted with $\binom{n}{k}$. So for example, because there is $3$ in front of $a^2b$ in the $(a+b)^3$ formula, we have $$ \binom{3}{2}=3, $$ and for all $n$, the numbers in front of $a^n$ and $b^n$ are $$ \binom{n}{n} = 1, \quad \binom{n}{0} = 1. $$

For any numbers $a$ and $b$, we have $$ (a+b)^n = \binom{n}{n}a^n + \binom{n}{n-1}a^{n-1}b + \dots + \binom{n}{1} ab^{n-1} + \binom{n}{0}b^n, $$ where each $\binom{n}{k}$ is an integer known as the binomial coefficient. This result is known as the binomial formula.

This also works for $n=1$ and $n=0$ with all binomial coefficients being $1$, because $$ \begin{align} (a+b)^1 &= 1a^1b^0 + 1a^0b^1, \\ (a+b)^0 &= 1a^0b^0. \end{align} $$ Next we find a way to calculate binomial coefficients.

Pascal's triangle

Let's arrange all binomial coefficients we know into a big triangle-shaped drawing like this: $$ \begin{matrix} &&&&\binom{0}{0}&&&& \\ &&&\binom{1}{0}&&\binom{1}{1}&&& \\ &&\binom{2}{0}&&\binom{2}{1}&&\binom{2}{2}&& \\ &\binom{3}{0}&&\binom{3}{1}&&\binom{2}{2}&&\binom{3}{3}& \\ \binom{4}{0}&&\binom{4}{1}&&\binom{4}{2}&&\binom{4}{3}&&\binom{4}{4} \\ &&&&\vdots&&&& \end{matrix} $$ The three dots in the bottom of the drawing mean that it goes on infinitely; by making more $(a+b)^n$ formulas, we can extend the triangle downwards as much as we want. By plugging in the numbers from the formulas we know, the triangle becomes $$ \begin{matrix} &&&&1&&&&\\ &&&1&&1&&&\\ &&1&&2&&1&&\\ &1&&3&&3&&1&\\ 1&&4&&6&&4&&1 \\ &&&&\vdots&&&& \end{matrix} $$ This is known as Pascal's triangle.

If you look carefully, you might notice that whenever there's two numbers next to each other, their sum is below them. For example, below I colored $\green3+\blue3 = \red6$: $$ \begin{matrix} &&&&1&&&&\\ &&&1&&1&&&\\ &&1&&2&&1&&\\ &1&&\green3&&\blue3&&1&\\ 1&&4&&\red6&&4&&1 \\ &&&&\vdots&&&& \end{matrix} $$ So, we noticed that $$ \green{\binom{3}{1}}+\blue{\binom{3}{2}}=\red{\binom{4}{2}}, $$ and more generally, it seems like $$ \green{\binom{n}{k}}+\blue{\binom{n}{k+1}}=\red{\binom{n+1}{k+1}}. $$ To see why this happens, consider $$ (a+b)^n = \binom{n}{n}a^n + \dots + \blue{\binom{n}{2}}a^2b^{n-2} + \green{\binom{n}{1}}ab^{n-1} + \binom{n}{0}b^n. $$ Let's multiply this with $a$ and $b$: $$ \begin{alignat}{9} (a+b)^na &= \binom{n}{n}a^{n+1} &+ \dots &+ \blue{\binom{n}{2}}a^3b^{n-1} &+ \green{\binom{n}{1}}a^2b^{n-1} &+ \binom{n}{0}ab^n \\ (a+b)^nb &=& \binom{n}{n}a^nb &+ \dots &+ \blue{\binom{n}{2}}a^2b^{n-1} &+ \green{\binom{n}{1}}ab^n &+ \binom{n}{0}b^{n+1}& \\ \end{alignat} $$ By adding these equations, we get $$ (a+b)^{n+1} = \dots + \left( \green{\binom{n}{1}}+\blue{\binom{n}{2}} \right)a^2b^{n-1} + \dots, $$ where $\dots$ does not contain any $a^2b^{n-1}$. So, the number in front of $a^2b^{n-1}$ is $$ \green{\binom{n}{1}}+\blue{\binom{n}{2}}, $$ and because on the other hand, there should be $\red{\binom{n+1}{2}}$ in front of $a^2b^{(n+1)-2}$, we get $$ \green{\binom{n}{1}}+\blue{\binom{n}{2}} = \red{\binom{n+1}{2}}, $$ which is the equation we wanted for $k=1$. It works the same way for any other $k$, and we get $$ \green{\binom{n}{k}}+\blue{\binom{n}{k+1}} = \red{\binom{n+1}{k+1}}. $$

Binomial coefficients can be taken from Pascal's triangle, which can be drawn like this: First draw ones at the edges. Then fill in other places with sums of the two numbers above. $$ \begin{matrix} &&&&1&&&&\\ &&&1&&1&&&\\ &&1&&2&&1&&\\ &1&&3&&3&&1&\\ 1&&4&&6&&4&&1 \\ &&&&\vdots&&&& \end{matrix} $$


Consider a set of two elements, $\{A,B\}$. It has these subsets:

In particular, note that any set is a subset of itself. Also, the same element can't occur several times in a set, and order does not matter; $\{A,B\}$ and $\{B,A\}$ are the same set.

A set of 3 elements, $\{A,B,C\}$, has these subsets:

Note that a set of 2 elements has 1 subset of 0 elements, 2 subsets of 1 element and 1 subset of 2 elements, $1\,\,2\,\,1$. The sizes of subsets of a set of 3 elements are $1\,\,3\,\,3\,\,1$. These are rows $2$ and $3$ of Pascal's triangle when we think of the first row as row $0$ and first column of each row as column $0$. In other words, the number of subsets of $k$ elements in a set of $n$ elements seems to be $$ \binom{n}{k}. $$ Next we explain why this happens.

Let $C(n,k)$ denote the number of subsets of $k$ elements in a set of size $n$. Consider the triangle $$ \begin{matrix} &&&C(0,0)&&& \\ &&C(1,0)&&C(1,1)&& \\ &C(2,0)&&C(2,1)&&C(2,2)& \\ C(3,0)&&C(3,1)&&C(2,2)&&C(3,3) \\ &&&\vdots&&& \end{matrix} $$ Next we explain why this triangle is same as Pascal's triangle. We need to ensure two things:

The first property is clear; a set of $n$ elements has only one subset of zero elements (empty set) and only one subset of $n$ elements (the set itself). For the second property, imagine going into shop that sells $n+1$ different products, milk and $n$ other things, with a shopping bag that fits exactly $k+1$ products. We calculate the number of ways how you can fill the shopping bag without choosing the same product twice:

In total, $$ \begin{align} C(n+1,k+1) &= \text{number of ways to fill shopping bag} \\ &= \underbrace{C(n,k)}_{\text{milk}} + \underbrace{C(n,k+1)}_{\text{no milk}}. \end{align} $$ This shows that these $C(n,k)$ numbers are binomial coefficients, because they form Pascal's triangle.

A set of size $n$ has $\binom{n}{k}$ subsets of size $k$.

For this reason, binomial coefficients are often spelled "$n$ choose $k$"; they represent the number of different ways to choose $k$ items from $n$ items when the order of the items is ignored and you can't choose the same item twice.


We still don't have a formula for calculating binomial coefficients, although looking them up from Pascal's triangle is easy enough for small-ish values of $n$.

Consider a shop with $n$ products and a shopping bag that fits exactly $k$ products. The number of ways to fill the shopping bag without choosing the same product twice is then $\binom{n}{k}$. To find a formula for this, we need a different way to calculate the number of ways to fill the shopping bag.

In general, $$ \binom{n}{k} = \frac{\overbrace{n(n-1)(n-2)\dots}^{\text{$k$ numbers multiplied}}}{\text{number of ways to sort a set of $k$ items}}, $$ where on top, we have the first $k$ numbers of $n,~ n-1,~ n-2,~ n-3,~ \dots$ multiplied. Next find the ways that a set of $k$ items can be sorted. If $k=n$, then on top we multiply all integers between $n$ and $1$ (inclusive). We call that $$ n! = n(n-1)(n-2)\dots 1, $$ so for example, $5! = 5 \cdot 4 \cdot 3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1$. Now we get $$ \binom{n}{n} = \frac{n!}{\text{number of ways to sort a set of $n$ items}}, $$ and because $\binom{n}{n} = 1$, we get $$ \text{number of ways to sort a set of $n$ items} = n!. $$ By using this with $k$ instead of $n$, we get the following result.

Binomial coefficients can be calculated as $$ \binom{n}{k} = \frac{~~ \overbrace{n(n-1)(n-2)\dots}^{\text{$k$ numbers multiplied}} ~~}{k!}, $$ where $k!=k(k-1)\dots3\cdot2\cdot1$ is the number of ways to sort a list of $k$ items.

For example, $$ \binom{8}{3} = \frac{8 \cdot 7 \cdot 6}{3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1} = 56. $$