How does Solving Inequations Work?ΒΆ

Recall from solving equations that we solve equations by rewriting them with $\iff$ at each step, and if $f$ is a function that has an inverse function, then we can apply it on both sides.

For solving inequations, we do a similar thing, but we can't just apply any function with some inverse function on both sides. For example, the function $f(x) = -2x$ has an inverse function, but applying it on both sides of the inequation $1 < 2$ gives $-2 < -4$, which is false.

Next we will prove that if $f$ is a strictly increasing function, then we can apply it on both sides of an inequation with a $ < $ sign, and it will work correctly (we will consider other kinds of inequations soon): $$ x < y \iff f(x) < f(y) $$

The $\Rightarrow$ direction is easy; if $x < y$, then $f(x) < f(y)$, by the definition of strictly increasing. We still need the $\Leftarrow$ direction: we need to show that if $f(x) < f(y)$, then $x < y$. We have proved that the inverse of a strictly increasing function is also strictly increasing, so if $f(x) < f(y)$, then we have $$ x = f^{-1}(f(x)) < f^{-1}(f(y)) = y, $$ where in the middle, we used the definition of strictly increasingness for the function $f^{-1}$, and the first and last equality came from definition of inverse function. This shows that $x < y$, which is what we wanted.

A strictly increasing function can be applied on both sides when solving an inequation with $ < $ sign.

Of course, this works similarly for inequations with $ > $ instead of $ < $. It even works for inequations having $\le$ or $\ge$, because $$ \begin{align} x \ge y &\iff \text{we do NOT have $\underbrace{x < y}_{\substack{\text{equivalent} \\ \text{with:} \\ f(x) < f(y)}}$} \\ &\iff \text{we do NOT have $f(x) < f(y)$} \\ &\iff f(x) \ge f(y). \end{align} $$ We assumed that the function $f$ is strictly increasing, so by the previous result, $x < y$ and $f(x) < f(y)$ are equivalent. It means that they have the same truth value (either both true, or both false), so we can replace one with the other.

A strictly increasing function can be applied on both sides when solving any inequation.

Again, a similar calculation for strictly decreasing functions shows that we get similar results, but this time, the sign must be flipped; this comes from the definition of strictly decreasing, because there we had different signs in $a < b$ and $f(a) > f(b)$.

A strictly decreasing function can be applied on both sides when solving any inequation, and the sign must be flipped.

As special cases of these results, we let $a$ be any number, and we consider the functions $f(x) = x+a$, $g(x) = x-a$, $h(x) = ax$ and $i(x) = \frac{x}{a}$:

Combining all this with the previous results, we get the following.

When solving an inequation, we can