Definition of Limit

So far, we have "defined" limits by plugging in nearby numbers. There were several problems with this approach. On this page we fix them by defining limits precisely.

Close enough to

Before defining limits, we define what "close enough to" means in this context. This concept will simplify the definition of limit a lot.

An open interval is denoted with $(a,b)$, where $a < b$, and it means all numbers strictly between $a$ and $b$. For example, "$x$ is in the interval $(3,4)$" means same as $3 < x < 4$.

We say that an open interval is centered around $a$ if it's $(a-r, a+r)$ with some $r > 0$. Here $r$ is sometimes called the radius of the interval. For example, $(3,4)$ is centered around $3.5$ with radius $0.5$.

The saying "$x$ is close enough to $a$" means same as "$x$ is in some open interval centered around $a$ and $x \ne a$".


$\approx$ with tolerance

Let $a$ and $b$ be any numbers, and let $t$ be a positive number. We say that $a \approx b$ with tolerance $t$, if $b-t < a < b+t$. For example, $x \approx 3$ with tolerance $0.1$ means that $2.9 < x < 3.1$.

This is similar to the "close enough to" concept, but not quite the same. Specifically, "$x$ is close enough to $a$" means that $x \approx a$ with some tolerance, but also requires $x \ne a$.

The Definition

On the previous page, we noticed that $$ \lim_{x \to 1} \frac{x^3-1}{x-1} = 3 $$ by plugging in numbers like this:

$x$ $\frac{x^3-1}{x-1}$

The resulting values are approximately 3, but let's be more specific by specifying how close to 3 the values are.

Limit means that we can choose any tolerance we want, no matter how small. For example, we have $\frac{x^3-1}{x-1} \approx 3$ with tolerance $0.01$ (that is, $2.99 < \frac{x^3-1}{x-1} < 3.01$), if $x$ is close enough to 1. The point is that we can use any tolerance we want, such as $0.00000000001$.

We say that the function $f$ has limit $L$ as $x$ approaches $a$ and we write $$ \lim_{x \to a} f(x) = L, $$ if for any tolerance $t > 0$, we have $f(x) \approx L$ with tolerance $t$ when $x$ is close enough to $a$.

Because we defined precisely what "$\approx$ with tolerance" and "close enough to" mean, there's nothing vague in this definition, so it's possible to write convincing proofs and derivations based on it.

Simple example: limit of $x$

We prove that $\lim_{x \to 3} x = 3$.

Let $t > 0$ be any tolerance. We want to show that $x \approx 3$ with tolerance $t$ when $x$ is close enough to $3$.

This is quite easy. Consider the interval $(3-t, 3+t)$. If $x$ is close enough to $3$, it is in $(3-t, 3+t)$, and $x \ne 3$. This means that $3-t < x < 3+t$, so we have $x \approx 3$ with tolerance $t$. (We didn't need $x \ne 3$ for anything.)

We have $\lim_{x \to 3} x = 3$.

Of course, there's nothing special about the number 3. The same works with any other number.

For any number $a$, we have $\lim_{x \to a} x = a$.

Even simpler example: limit of a constant

We have $\lim_{x \to 3} 5 = 5$, because $5 \approx 5$ with any tolerance, regardless of what $x$ is.

We have $\lim_{x \to 3} 5 = 5$.

More generally, for all numbers $a$ and $b$, we have $\lim_{x \to a} b = b$.